22 May, 24

How is Bankrupt FTX Paying Back Its Customers?

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FTX, once a major player in the cryptocurrency exchange market, filed for bankruptcy in November 2022 following revelations of significant mismanagement and fraudulent activities. The collapse left millions of customers in financial distress, fearing that their investments were lost forever. However, recent developments indicate that FTX is on the path to fully repaying its customers, an outcome that seemed improbable just a year ago. This article explores how FTX is achieving this remarkable turnaround.

The Collapse of FTX

FTX’s downfall was swift and dramatic. In November 2022, it was revealed that the exchange had been misusing customer funds to make risky investments, leading to a liquidity crisis. The subsequent bankruptcy filing exposed a massive shortfall, with the company holding only a fraction of the assets needed to cover customer deposits. Former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried was found guilty of multiple charges, including fraud and money laundering, and faces a lengthy prison sentence.

Recovery Through Asset Liquidation

One of the primary strategies FTX has employed to generate the funds necessary for repayment has been the liquidation of its substantial asset portfolio. This includes selling off various investments and holdings, some of which have significantly appreciated in value since the bankruptcy. For instance, FTX’s stake in the AI company Anthropic has been a significant contributor. The value of these assets has increased alongside a broader bullish trend in the cryptocurrency market, allowing FTX to recover more funds than initially anticipated​.

The Role of the Bull Market

The cryptocurrency market has experienced a resurgence, with the prices of major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum rebounding sharply from their 2022 lows. When FTX collapsed, Bitcoin was trading around $16,000. It has since risen to all-time highs of around $70,000. This substantial increase has played a crucial role in boosting the value of the assets that FTX held, enabling the company to generate enough liquidity to cover its obligations to customers​.

Structured Repayment Plans

FTX has developed a structured repayment plan approved by the bankruptcy court. The plan divides assets into distinct pools: one for FTX.com customers, one for U.S. customers, and a general pool for other creditors. According to the amended plan, FTX aims to repay up to 90% of the available assets to its customers. The company estimates that it has around $8.9 billion available for FTX.com and $166 million for FTX.US​.

Customer Clawbacks and Preferences

Part of the repayment plan involves “clawbacks” from customers who withdrew large sums shortly before the bankruptcy. Customers who withdrew more than $250,000 within nine days of the bankruptcy filing will have their claims reduced by 15%, while those who withdrew less will not face reductions. This measure aims to ensure a fairer distribution of the recovered funds among all creditors​.

Exclusion of Insiders and Affiliates

FTX’s recovery plan also includes strict measures to exclude insiders, affiliates, and those who had knowledge of the misuse of funds from benefiting from the repayments. This ensures that the recovered funds are directed primarily towards innocent customers who were unaware of the fraudulent activities within the company​.


FTX’s ability to repay its customers, in full or nearly full, is a rare and notable achievement in the realm of corporate bankruptcies. The combination of asset liquidations, the cryptocurrency market’s recovery, and a well-structured repayment plan has turned a dire situation into a remarkably positive outcome for FTX’s customers. This case highlights the importance of effective asset management and strategic planning in mitigating the impacts of financial crises.


1. How did FTX collapse? FTX collapsed due to mismanagement and fraudulent activities, including the misuse of customer funds for risky investments, which led to a liquidity crisis.

2. How is FTX able to repay its customers? FTX is repaying its customers through the liquidation of its assets, which have appreciated significantly in value, and through the positive effects of a bullish cryptocurrency market.

3. What role did the cryptocurrency market play in FTX’s recovery? The cryptocurrency market’s resurgence significantly increased the value of FTX’s assets, providing the necessary liquidity to cover customer deposits.

4. What are customer clawbacks? Customer clawbacks refer to the reduction of claims for those who withdrew large sums shortly before the bankruptcy, ensuring a fairer distribution of recovered funds.

5. Are all customers being repaid? Most customers are expected to be repaid, with significant efforts to exclude insiders and those involved in the misuse of funds from benefiting from the repayments.

FTX’s case is an extraordinary example of how strategic asset management and favorable market conditions can turn around a seemingly hopeless bankruptcy situation, ultimately benefiting the customers who were most affected by its collapse.

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Zerocap provides digital asset liquidity and digital asset custodial services to forward-thinking investors and institutions globally. For frictionless access to digital assets with industry-leading security, contact our team at [email protected] or visit our website www.zerocap.com


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