
Allow 15-30 minutes to complete.

Wholesale clients only. Minimum trade size of $50,000 AUD.

You will need

  • Complete KYC
  • Proof of identity
  • Proof of address

Unacceptable documents

  • Screenshot of the actual soft-copy
  • Expired or tampered with documents
  • Medical bill or delivery receipts

Additional supporting documents may be required, read more below.


Allow 15-30 minutes to complete.

You will need

  • KYC documents of all shareholders with 25% or more interest
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Articles of association
  • Company registration certificate
  • Certificate of incumbency (for LLC or corporations)
  • Company shareholding document 
  • Complete list registered directors



Additional supporting documents may be required, read more below.

Trusts & SMSF's

Allow 15-30 minutes to complete.

You will need

  • Complete KYC
  • Operational agreement
  • List of beneficiaries
  • Certificate of registration
  • Declaration of source of fund
  • Declaration of source of wealth
  • Name of settlor(s)
  • Protectors (if any)
  • List of  executors (if any)



Additional supporting documents may be required, read more below.

Read more about required documents



Proof of identity (POI) is the primary document. An unexpired original soft copy of the identification document which can either be a:


  • passport (valid for at least 6 months to expiration)
  • national ID or any government-issued ID (valid for at least 3 months to expiration)
  • driving license (not acceptable for US citizens)
Proof of address (POA) – a recurring locally issued document. It should be the original soft copy in a pdf format clearly showing the account holder’s name, address and date issued. Submit the most recent copy not older than 90 days. It can either be a:


  • utility bill
  • bank statement
Unacceptable documents are:


  • screenshot of the actual soft-copy
  • expired or out dated documents
  • tampered documents or redacted image
  • medical bill
  • delivery receipts

Note: Depending on the quality of the information gathered, additional supporting documents may be required.



Original soft copy of company formation documents showing the people with significant control, ownership structure, beneficial owners (UBO, director(s), authorised person), activities, nature and place of business.


The following documents will be collected which may differ according to the country of jurisdiction:


  • Certificate of Incorporation (COI)
  • Memorandum and articles of association (AOA)
  • Company registration certificate / company extract / company registry or business profile showing the company particulars (i.e records from ASIC, ICRIS, ACRA, Companies House, SEC,  etc.)
  • Certificate of incumbency (applicable only for LLC or corporations)
  • Company shareholding document (ROM/Share register/list of direct and indirect parents and shareholders down to the UBO)
  • Complete list of the names of directors (register of directors)
  • KYC documents of all shareholders with 25% or more interest (requirements for individuals will apply)

Note: Depending on the quality of the information gathered, additional supporting documents may be required.




  • Trust Deed / Trust agreement / Trust settlement
  • List of Beneficiary(ies)
  • Certificate of registration (issued by charity commissioner / Registrar of Trusts / Provident fund/ etc.)
  • Declaration of source of fund and source of wealth
  • Name of settlor(s). If the underlying asset is more than $ 10,000 AUD settlor’s KYC is required and requirements for individual/company will apply
  • Protectors (if any)
  • List of  executors (if any)


Self Managed Super Funds


  • SMSF Deed/ Adoption Agreement/ Operating Agreement
  • List of member or beneficiary
  • Proof of registration (Registrar of SMSF, etc. ) if registered
  • Declaration of source of fund and source of wealth
  • Declare if the trustee(s) is also the fund members
  • Provident Fund Commissioner etc.), if registered

Note: Depending on the quality of the information gathered, additional supporting documents may be required.

Step 1:

Create an Account

Safely store and access your assets, utilising our digital asset custody with industry-leading insurance and MPC technology.

To setup multiple accounts, you can register with the same email address or specify during the KYC process that you want to link your accounts to your main email address. You will be able to access your accounts with single-signon.

Step 2:

Complete KYC

As with all cryptocurrency exchanges, we must adhere to AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and CTF (Counter-Terrorism Financing) legislation. In Australia this is overseen by AUSTRAC, and requires that we know who we are trading with.

  • The onboarded individual / entity must match the bank details intended for the account.
  • You will be prompted to verify your identity and provide your KYC (Know Your Customer) information in the portal
  • You will be required to upload your KYC documents
  • If you are unable to proceed to the next page it could mean that there are missing information, do not leave the required fields blank

Note: if you encounter a problem completing your KYC details in the portal you may Fill out the PDF version of the KYC Form online and email your KYC docs to [email protected] or you can Download the PDF fill it out manually and send it via email with your docs (as stated in section E of the form) to [email protected].

Step 3:

Provide Required Documents

Provide the necessary documents which differ depending whether you are signing up as a Individual, Company, or Trust.

If you'd like, we can answer any questions before you sign up.

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Create Account
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